Last weekend we were in town and saw some baby chicks. We all thought they were so cute but that was the end of it...or so we thought. This weekend, Josh wanted us to go back and look at the chicks again, and we decided to get some for ourselves! The kids, of course were so excited! I was a little more skeptical, like where are we going to keep them, whose going to clean up after them...etc. But he assured me that he had talked with his friend, who also has chickens, and said that they are low maintenance and not too expensive to care for. He also added that the kids would learn something from taking care of them.
We've only had them for a day, but they are really cute and the kids think they are the luckiest kids in the world :) I think it will be a good experience--a new one for all of us, but it will keep life interesting for a little while :)
It's almost like having a new baby...they are forever asking "can we hold them now? Can we touch them?"
I love the look on Easton's face in this one "I'm holding it!!"
Alma loves them, but doesn't quite love how their feet tickle her hands when she holds them. She like to have her hands covered with something. I'm sure she'll get used to it :)
Saralyn just can't get enough!
Easton thought it was pretty cool when the chick was just standing on his lap. He also gets a little nervous when they squirm around on his hand, but he hates it when we put them back in their box :)